So, what was my particular calling? I simply read and heard the words of Jesus, “come and see”, “follow me”. These passages mean much more to me knowing that many Christians left their homes and families proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God long before the Great Commission began to circulate in the Gospel according to Matthew.
European Christian Workshop - Journeying with Jesus
Hospitality in the Christian Tradition
City Shaped Churches, A Review
Questionnaire by Wendell Berry
On Controlling Our Borders
Caged Birds Sing of Freedom
A Prayer for International Workers' Day
Black Theology & Latin America
Trump, Immigration and the Truth
President Trump asked, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Here are my thoughts and my conclusion: Christians in the U.S. should praise God for the opportunity of having poor neighbors from shithole countries because it is in their faces that Christ reveals Himself most plainly (Matthew 25:31-46).