My Missionary Calling

My Missionary Calling

So, what was my particular calling? I simply read and heard the words of Jesus, “come and see”, “follow me”. These passages mean much more to me knowing that many Christians left their homes and families proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom of God long before the Great Commission began to circulate in the Gospel according to Matthew.

European Christian Workshop - Journeying with Jesus

European Christian Workshop - Journeying with Jesus

Class material from a series of teachings at the European Christian Workshop in Lancaster, UK.

Black Theology & Latin America

Black Theology & Latin America

Dear friends in North America: if you would like to better understand Latin American theology, start closer to home. Read some superb literature, give these writers an attentive ear and an open heart. Let God change your imagination then return to the Word and listen for God's call of liberation.

Trump, Immigration and the Truth

Trump, Immigration and the Truth

President Trump asked, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Here are my thoughts and my conclusion: Christians in the U.S. should praise God for the opportunity of having poor neighbors from shithole countries because it is in their faces that Christ reveals Himself most plainly (Matthew 25:31-46). 

The Latin American Theological Workshop

The Latin American Theological Workshop

As responsible interpreters of the Word of God, we must recognize and honor its multivocality, that is, its ability to speak to different people in different ways. Contrary to popular thought, there is not just one interpretation per text. Christianity will not look the same in every culture.